Monday, March 9, 2009

The Joys of Teaching (1)


Girl On A Journey said...

hahahahaha did my class have you doing things like this?

Will said...

ahem ahem... YOUR class??? so you're one of my past students??? huh... i did not know this... hmmmm...

Anonymous said...

LOL....Nice one Wiv

Gary said...

i think its so wrong to have to ASK students to do work...

they moan and cry about things they didn't do well being marked and yet they always cry and moan about doing the smallest bit of work...

why don't you just start randomly marking classwork? thats what some teachers do...mark homework or classwork when they feel students would be compelled to do the work as best they can...cause u know its ALL ABOUT THE MARKS!!!

anyway...laptop looks cleaner than before! apple sux.

Lion-ess said...

love this!!